Master these 3 skills to become successful


There are 3 essential skills that anyone should master to become successful.

Goal Setting


Lack of goals leads to wastage of time. A very well written goal is a battle half won. BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is a concept developed in the book titled “Built to Last”. The book suggests that one’s goal should be big enough and worth investing the time. Big success follows big goal setters.

Ability to focus


The past was about intelligence and hard work. In today’s world there are ample opportunities to get distracted. “Ability to maintain laser focus” on the end results is going to be the big manthra to scale big successes.

Time management

People with big aspirations need to better utilize time. Life is just going to get more demanding, every passing day. Ability to invest the time on the right activities can bring big success.

I am sure, with the above 3 skills everyone can set many big goals and strive to achieve them with rigorous time management and laser focus.

Author : Mr. Madhan M

Date : May 31, 2021

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